(505) 892-9222
The Betty Anne McDermott Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Betty Anne McDermott Memorial Scholarship Fund assists youth players and families that face financial hardship and would otherwise be unable to play. Formerly the Hooligans Scholarship Fund, this program was inspired by Betty Anne McDermott as a way to help those less fortunate.
Her entire life was spent in service of others and always prioritized the needs of others before her own. Throughout the years, Betty Anne anonymously sponsored countless players both directly and indirectly. She also assisted, and participated in, all fundraising activities and events.
Her legacy is one of kindness and service. This program will continue to honor her life of compassion and selflessness by furthering her life's work of giving to all in need.
All donations will go directly to Hooligans Baseball 501c3, a federally registered not-for-profit organization.
All donations can be made by clicking the link below and/or mailing a check made out to Hooligans Baseball with the Betty Anne McDermott Memorial Scholarship Fund in the memo.
Please mail checks to:
Hooligans Baseball
801 Loma Colorado Blvd.
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
If you would like a giving statement with your donation, please email Michael McDermott at baseball@themacsports.com
Hooligans Baseball 501c3 Tax ID Number: 82-1976582