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Sign up for Memberships at The MAC or give us a call.

Baseball Membership

$70 per month

  • Discounts off of lesson packages and MAC Camps.


  • 30 minutes of cage time every day. Please call before coming in to check availability. Cage time can be used to hit off of pitching machine, take live batting practice and/or throw bullpens.*


  • Family members will receive a 10% discount if they have an immediate family member that is a member at the MAC. For example, if a family member has a basketball membership then the spouse and or siblings can purchase any other membership (ice, baseball or basketball) at the 10% discount.

Ice Membership

$53 per month

  • Access to all public skates, stick and pucks and freestyle sessions.***


  • Members will also receive discounts off of Learn to Skate classes and MAC Camps.


  • Family members will receive a 10% discount if they have an immediate family member that is a member at the MAC. Membership but are applicable to all other memberships. For example, if a family member has a basketball membership then the spouse and or siblings can purchase any other membership (ice, baseball or basketball) at the 10% discount.

Basketball Membership

$60 per month

  • Access to all open courts and pick-up game sessions.**


  • Basketball members will receive a discount on lesson packages and MAC Camps.


  • Membership gives players a 10% discount on league fees. (youth and adult)


  • Family members will receive a 10% discount if they have an immediate family member that is a member at the MAC.  For example, if a family member has a basketball membership then the spouse and or siblings can purchase any other membership (ice, baseball or basketball) at the 10% discount.

*Cages may be unavailable at certain times for events and/or bookings. Members must exit cage after 30 minutes if other members or clients are waiting.
**Courts may be unavailable at certain times for events and/or bookings.
***Ice may be unavailable at certain times for events and/or bookings. Members will have access to all stick and puck, freestyle and public skate sessions. Participants for stick and puck require helmets and pads. Freestyle is limited to figure skaters only. 

Thanks for signing up!

©2022 by McDermott Athletic Center

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